Coming Quickly! 100 Years of Hispanic Ministry
in the LCMS
1926 - 2026
Begin the countdown and let’s start planning celebrations! The year 2026 will mark the 100th anniversary of Hispanic Ministry of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). It began in 1926 with the placement of the Puerto Rican evangelist Sergio Cobian in San Antonio, Texas. His ministry was instrumental in the formation there of Trinity Lutheran Church, the first Spanish-speaking congregation of the LCMS.
Let’s remember. Let’s honor the people the Lord has sent into His harvest field throughout these hundred years. Let’s celebrate!
LCMS Hispanic Ministry 1926-2026
The TX District Mission Board resolves, “We recommend that steps be taken to begin work not only among the Mexicans of Mexico, but also in our own State..."
Sergio Cobian arrived in San Antonio, Texas and began to evangelize.
Spanish speaking ministries were begun in Three Rivers y Vanderbuilt, Texas.
Rev. Andrés Meléndez became pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, San Antonio
Rev. Bruno Martinelli is installed as pastor for Italian and Mexican mission work in Los Angeles, California.
Miss Alice Fiene and women from St. John's Lutheran Church of Orange, California evangelize in Santa Ana, California, and form a mission society.
¡Envíanos la información de tu ministerio!
¿Cuándo comenzará el primer ministerio hispano de su distrito? ¿Cuándo comenzó su iglesia hispana? ¿Quién fue su pastor misionero? etc...
1978 - 1987
The Institute for Hispanic Ministries at Concordia University, River Forest (Chicago) provides in instruction in Spanish and prepares twenty pastors.
La primera Convención Nacional del Ministerio Hispano de las iglesias LCMS se llevó a cabo en Los Ángeles, California
The first National Hispanic Ministry Convention of LCMS ministries was held in Los Angeles, California
The Lutheran Hispanic Missionary Institute was established by the Rocky Mountain District in El Paso, Texas, in 2007 and held its first classes in 2008 with Rev. Richard Schlak as its director.
The Hispanic Missionary League was incorporated as 501c3 to be the legal entity and fiscal agent and means of enacting priorities of the LCMS National Hispanic Convention.