Join us for the Hispanic Missionary League Regional Gathering in Miami, Florida, on January 31 and February 1, 2025!
Friday, January 31:
Enjoy a social evening to meet and connect with one another. Location to be announced soon.
Saturday, February 1:
Join us at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 10700 SW 56th St., Miami, FL, starting at 9:00 a.m. The program will include:
Prayer and song.
League updates and partner announcements.
A special presentation by Pastor Misael Bocanegra, a Lutheran pastor in Mexico and a licensed, practicing professional counselor with decades of experience. He will share strategies on managing emotions when serving as a spiritual care provider. His presentations at our 2024 regional gatherings in California, Texas, and Chicago were highly appreciated and helpful to all who attended. His presentation will be in Spanish.
Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and there is no cost to attend. To RSVP and find out the location of the Friday evening social event, contact Rev. Rodrigo Fernandez at 832-998-2148.
We look forward to this time of learning, fellowship, and growth in the Lord!